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Electrical energy systems

The Electrical Energy Systems working group deals with the future requirements for electrical energy networks at different voltage levels and the resulting potential. The focus is on the influence of the increasing decentralized feed-in of electrical energy from renewable sources (wind, sun, water) and from combined heat and power plants (CHP) and the increasing electrical demand for electrical heat supply and electromobility on the electrical grids.

Against this backdrop, the project examines how secured flexibility can be provided, activated and operated while supporting the stability of the grid. To this end, established methods and tools for grid calculation and optimization as well as new methods based on learning systems are integrated. This is accompanied by an investigation into the provision of classic and future system services, e.g. in the area of instantaneous reserve, grid restoration and the control of imbalances. At the same time, the influence on balancing group management and forecasting is taken into account.

Research work on the dimensioning of new overall energy systems is also carried out separately from the electrical grids. This includes, for example, the analysis of new concepts for compressed air storage using hydrogen or topics in the decarbonization of industry using the example of the decarbonization of steel production.

The group is currently working on the following projects:

  • EnEff:Stadt WQeff - Efficient heat pump districts: Efficient, renewable and grid-friendly operation of heat pump districts Wqueff

  • GeoTES - Geothermal energy storage

  • H2 ReNoWe - "Hydrogen Region North-West Lower Saxony (H2-ReNoWe)" innovation laboratory

  • GridBatt - Battery technologies to ensure secure grid operation

completed projects:

E-Mobility 4 Grid Service: Development and testing of current and future vehicle-for-grid concepts and services in rural energy supply structures

  • ERDF project by Prof. Hauer, which was carried out at the University of Magdeburg
  • Aims to develop and test current and future vehicle-for-grid (V4G) concepts and services for rural energy supply structures in order to support the electrical grid.
  • System simulation to determine the influencing variables in the electrical grid
  • The detailed grid simulation with the components, consumers and generators makes it possible to estimate the current potential for V4G and to forecast future scenarios.
  • Development, simulation and testing (in the vehicle) of algorithms for grid-optimized charging strategies and for controlling the charging infrastructure to be developed, e.g. optimized asymmetrical charging

Infrastructure coupling - placement and operation of charging stations from a transport and energy network perspective

  • ERDF project by Prof. Hauer, which was carried out at the University of Magdeburg
  • Cross-infrastructure planning and operation for transport and energy systems
  • The aim was to develop an application-oriented concept for the optimal placement, supply and operation of charging infrastructure from a grid and traffic perspective, integrating renewable generation, and to install charging infrastructure at selected locations in the city of Burg in collaboration with the Chair of Logistical Systems at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and the city of Burg.
  • Development of placement algorithms for electric charging points using Monte Carlo analyses
  • Development of charging profiles for electric vehicles

Huntorf compressed air storage power plant

  • Investigation of the compressed air storage power plant in Huntorf, Lower Saxony, with a view to increasing efficiency and flexibility
  • Investigation of different plant variants (heat storage, electrolysis, hydrogen combustion) with the aim of enabling CO2-free operation with simultaneous high power plant efficiency
  • Macroscopic view of the regional energy system with the storage power plant as a core component serving the grid

Further development of the grid fee system for electricity

  • Regional differences in the level of charges require further development of the current distribution mechanism for grid costs
  • Investigation of load flow-dependent methods for adapting the grid fee system
  • Review of the procedures based on real data

Grid connection of fast charging stations

  • Investigation of the impact on the grid and the local implementation of nationwide fast-charging stations
  • The use of battery storage could be considered as an alternative to grid expansion
  • This should guarantee that the vehicle can be charged with purely renewable energy through direct coupling with a wind farm
  • The implementation of a DC island grid is also being investigated

Wind-solar-heat pump district

  • Determining the requirements for electrical distribution grids with a high proportion of heat pumps and photovoltaics
  • Investigation of the degree of coverage of electricity and heat demand by renewable energies in the district
  • Consideration of thermal and electrical storage to avoid energy bottlenecks
