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You can only register for the exam (via the Examination Office's registration system) that is listed in the implementation regulations (AFB) for your degree program.

We may also only examine you in the exam for which you have registered. It is not possible to deviate from this.

No, the module exam counts as one exam, which means that passing depends on the total number of points.

All topics covered in the lecture are also relevant to the exam. The scope of the respective tasks depends on the exam that is written. Please refer to the table above under "Exam structure".

You are not allowed to use your own formulary, script or notes. A collection of formulas containing all important formulas will be handed out with the exam. This can already be downloaded for learning in Stud.IP.

Numerical values ALWAYS include the correct unit. If units are missing in calculation methods (including in intermediate steps), the full number of points for the formal assessment cannot be achieved.

The assessment of content and form is carried out separately, so that if the result is correct (even if a unit is missing), the corresponding number of points is awarded for the result. The formal assessment is carried out separately.

Both the one and the other approach obviously did not lead to the right result.