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Structure of the exams & helping material

Structure of the exams

The exams consist of short comprehension questions (short question section) and calculation tasks. The topics of the written exams are based on the content of the corresponding lecture/course. The following table shows the allocation and weighting of the topics in the different exam variants:

Variant KF1 GS EF&BF WS KF2 DS SM TR Remark
GET 1 & 2 18P. 22P. 22P. 22P. 18P. 22P. 22P. 22P. last time in WS 23/24
GET 1 18P. 22P. 22P. 22P. - - - -  
GET 2 - - - - 18P. 22P. 22P. 22P.  
ETI 1 & 2 18P. 15P. 15P. 15P. 18P. 15P. 15P. 15P.  
ENF 18P. 22P. 22P. 22P. - - - -  


Abbreviations Forms of exams:

GET Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
ETI Electrical engineering for engineers
ENF Introduction to electrical networks and fields


Abbreviations Task sections:

KF1 Short questions on electrical engineering 1
GS Direct current
EF & BF Electric and magnetic field
WS Alternating current
KF2 Short questions on electrical engineering 2
DS Three-phase current
SM Protective measures
TR Transformer

helping materials

The following helping materials are permitted for the examination:

  • Pens (no pencil, no red pencil), ruler, set square and compasses
  • Calculator (not programmable)
  • Formulary (will be handed out with the exam - your own formulary is not permitted!)

Other helping materials are not permitted. In particular, the use of cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches or similar will lead to exclusion.