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Where can I find information about the dates?

Information on all dates can be found on this page, in Stud.IP or in the study portal.


In which rooms is the practical course held?

Question time: IEE seminar room 1 (room 400)
Entrance test: online in Moodle
Selection of the time slot: online in Moodle
Carrying out the experiment: IEE practical room (room 500)


Which time slots are offered for the experiment?

All time slots are listed in the table below. A maximum of 18 people can participate per slot. Depending on the possible number of participants, not all slots may be offered or the number of places may be reduced.

Time slot Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:00 - 11:00 Mon-8:00 Tue-8:00 Mi-8:00 Thu-8:00 -
11:30 - 14:30 Mon-11:30 Tue-11:30 Wed-11:30 Thu-11:30 -
15:00 - 18:00 Mon-15:00 Tue-15:00 Wed-15:00 Thu-15:00 -

I forgot to get a script.

The script is available for download as a pdf in Stud.IP or Moodle.


I have forgotten to register.

Subsequent registration is only possible in very well justified exceptional cases up to the start of the first attempt in the semester. If you have a very good reason why you were not able to register, please write an email to Please use the following template:

First name:
Last name:
Matriculation number:
Degree programs (all):
Very good reason:

No very good reasons are: Internet down/computer broken (the RZ and the library offer sufficient alternative options), forgot appointment (was announced well in advance), registered for the wrong internship (tip: each course has a unique number - W8850 and S8851 for the GET internship), ...

I cannot find the registration for an attempt.

From the winter semester 2022/23, there will be no need to register for each individual attempt. Anyone who has registered for the Stud.IP course in good time and has not yet passed the attempt can participate automatically.


I have forgotten to register for an experiment.

Since the restructuring of the practical course for WS 2022/23, registration is no longer possible and therefore no longer necessary. If the corresponding attempt has not yet been passed, you are automatically authorized to take the entrance test in Moodle.


I am or was unable to take the entrance test.

Deregistration is not (or no longer) necessary. You can take the entrance test on Wednesday. If you do not take the test on Wednesday, you can take the test in a year's time. This has no influence on the following attempts in the semester, you can already take the test now.


I cannot find the time slot selection option.

It is only possible to select the time slot for each individual test during the specified period (in the week before the test, Thursday 12:00 to Friday 8:00). During this time, the selection can be found in Moodle in the practical course.


I forgot to register for a time slot.

All those who have passed one of the two entrance tests and have not entered themselves in a time slot will be allocated by the institute. The final allocation can be viewed in Moodle.


The selected time slot does not suit me.

A change of the selected or assigned time slot is only possible in case of illness with a medical certificate. Please send an e-mail to


I am or was unable to attend the test.

Up until the start of your time slot, you can simply cancel by sending an email with a brief explanation to If your appointment has already taken place, you can only be deregistered retroactively with a sick note. Without this, non-attendance is considered an unexcused absence and leads to exclusion from all subsequent attempts in the semester.

I passed all my attempts but the examination office doesn't know anything about it.

With over 100 certificates issued in a semester, things can get lost. Simply write an email to Please use the following template:

First name:
Last name:
Matriculation number:
Degree programs (all):
Semester in which the attempts were passed (please specify individually for each attempt):


I have passed an attempt, but it is not listed.

Entries may be lost when typing the lists. Simply write an e-mail to Please use the following template:

First name:
Last name:
Matriculation number:
Semester in which the attempt was passed:


I have completed vocational training in the field of electrical engineering.

Vocational training does not correspond to the content of the internship, therefore recognition is generally not possible.


I have passed all the exams and I am only missing the internship.

As part of our hardship regulation, it may be possible to make up a maximum of two of the six attempts. All you need to do is send an "overview of all achievements/certificate of no objection" from the Examination Office's online grading system to The grades may also be blacked out. The overview must show that all modules except for electrical engineering, industrial internship and Bachelor's thesis have been passed. If other examinations are missing, participation in the special dates is not possible.

Why are the tests so late in the evening?

At least the entrance test on Tuesday is scheduled in such a way that none of the degree programs involved has another compulsory course at the relevant time in the semester in which the internship is compulsory.


Why are the tests so late in the semester?

The timing of the individual tests depends on several factors. The most important factor is that they must be scheduled so that the material has already been covered in the lecture and tutorial. In addition, internships are not possible in weeks with public holidays, nor in lecture-free weeks. If possible, we always try to schedule the test week directly before the practical week. This means that it is unavoidable that the last tests are already in the first exam period, so the practical course may take place at the same time as exams.


Why do you only have 3 hours for measurement, evaluation and defense?

All experiments are designed so that they can be carried out in 2 hours with all measurements, calculations, drawings and evaluations if you work in a small group. Fast small groups can finish in just over an hour. Of course, we expect proper preparation and that the theory in the practical course script for each experiment is understood.


When does the protocol defense take place?

It takes place as the last part of the experiment within the 3-hour time slot. As all small groups (i.e. each table) have their turn individually, there may be waiting times.