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Memberships and functions

in scientific associations and organizations (selection) since:

1996: Member of the International Scientific Committee for Electrical Power Quality and Utilsation

2000: Full member of the Braunschweig Scientific Society, Class of Engineering Sciences

2002: Full member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)

2002: Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut GmbH

2003: Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee of the "State Fuel Cell Strategy" in Lower Saxony

2004: Representative of Lower Saxony in the EU Commission C (Assembly of European Regions)

2004: Representative of Lower Saxony in the "Mirror Group Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform" of the EU

2006-2011: Spokesperson for the Lower Saxony Energy Research Network

2006: Leader in the planning of the Lower Saxony Energy Research Institute in Goslar (start 07/2007)

Further memberships in expert committees, boards and expert activities for the awarding of scholarships (DAAD, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, etc.), prizes (IHK Braunschweig, Eta competition, etc.) and research projects (DFG, DBU, AiF, BMU, VW Foundation, EWE, E.ON, etc.)